Ideen - ZukunftspläneT

Ideas and future plansext


1. Für Petite Martinique bringt es bereits während der Bauzeit eine Menge Arbeitsplätze, an denen die lokale Bevölkerung sehr interessiert ist.

2. Wenn die ersten Kräuter gepflanzt sind und das Ankh-Refugium in Betrieb geht werden wir einen Führer einschulen der Besucher durch die fast 200 Laufmeter an Kräutern und Gewürzen führt, sowie jemanden für die tägliche Betreuung der Pflanzen. Wir werden mit unseren Gästen und der Organisation genug zu tun haben. Führungen nur zu bestimmten Zeiten um die Ruhe im Ankh-Refugium zu garantieren.

3. Mit einem morgentlichen "Netz" ähnlich in Grenada auf Kanal 68 VHF Radio und einem dazu gebrachten Wetterbericht könnten wir alle Fahrtensegler in einem Umkreis von 50 Sm erreichen und viele Touristen und somit Arbeit und Geld nach PM bringen. Natürlich werden wir als eine Funkstation auch für Notfälle immer "stand by" sein was in dieser Region sicher auch sehr hilfreich für die vielen Chartercrews ist, speziell wenn wir auch in deutscher Sprache senden und hilfreiche Kontakte weitergeben können. Als ehemaliger Disk Jockey könnte ich mir sogar eine UKW Frequenz vorstellen "RSPPM" Radio Spice Pyramid Petite Martinique vielleicht gibt es doch Leute die nicht "nur" Reggea hören wollen und sich freuen auch deutsche Sprache zu hören.

4. Eventuell wollen wir auch noch eine andere "Idee" neben dem Ankh-Refugium aufgreifen und ein größeres Grundstück kaufen, wo wir eventuell kleinere Parzellen mit einer Betonplattform vorbereiten wollen, wo sich dann Interessenten ein kleines Blockhaus aufstellen können, und einen Langzeiturlaub verbringen können für Rentner würden somit die Kosten in erreichbare Dimensionen kommen, auch für "schmälere" Brieftaschen ein kleines Haus in der Karibik in greifbare Nähe rücken kann. Vor allem den kalten Wintermonaten in Europa zu entfliehen und die Heizkosten lieber in PM investieren. Ich glaube, daß wir Hilfe von der Regierung dabei brauchen könnten.

Würde gerne Eure Meinung und Ideen lesen, bitte per Email zusenden.

09. April 2009 Petite Martinique / Grenadines

In english:

1. Right from the start, construction work of the SPICE PYRAMID will involve local craftsmen from PM. First informal meetings were very promising.

2. As soon as the spice pyramid's flower beds are planted and the ANKH REFUGIUM becomes active, we will need a qualified guide to show the tourists around the SPYCE PYRAMID. There will be more than 200 metres of big planting trays where we grow our ornamentals, herbs, and spices, and sure we will need someone to take care of them. We will be busy with our guests and management anyway. The SPYCE PYRAMID tours will take place at set times, in order to guarantee peace and quiet in the ANKH REFUGIUM for most of the day.

3. With a morning "net" similar in Grenada on channel 68 on the VHF radio and a weather report in English and German we will reach cruisers in a 50nm radius and many tourists to PM, who in turn will create jobs and spend money. Of course we will always be on standby, listening to emergency calls on the VHF radio, this will be useful for the whole region. In particular, we will also transmit in German language which, in our experience, will be most helpful for the big charterfleet in the Grenadines and will help by providing contacts and hints through the whole region. As a former Disc Jockey I have in mind to found a small UKW Radio station "RSPPM" Radio Spice Pyramide Petite Martinique! I am looking forward to doing that kind of work again. Some folks are interested in listening to other music, but Reggae and also like to hear German to.

4. We are planning to build several platforms which are supposed to form the foundations of buildings for long-term holiday makers like retired people from Austria and other parts of the world. Attracting this age group would create additional income for the people of PM. If we can secure the right property with a decent price then need to be able to access our piece of land by proper roads - which are also suitable for elderly visitors. So I think, we might need some help from the goverment to realized our plans.

We like to hear from your ideas and opinion, send us an email.

Letter to Minister George Prime after our meeting:

Petite Martinique 18 Jun. 09

Dear honourable George Prime!

I am very sorry to send this letter so late after our meeting in PM on 20th May 2009, but my cylinder head gasket blow so I decide to stay the holidays and our both birthdays in my engine room fixing my problems! But I am sure, you will remember us and our chat.

Still I don’t understand, why not anyone from the tourist boards, except from Germany, give me an answer to my three emails, and not even spend five minutes time to look in my HP and read the draft and ideas?

Also I don’t understand why I must begging the government from Grenada to get the honour, to spend our money in PM and need the “alien holding licence”, if we only lease a property, but maybe that’s really the law like it is? Because for me it is a big different, by buying or lease something, for example to rent or buy a car! I don’t know if the EU or the UNESCO must go the difficult way like we must do, if they support Grenada with some money from founds for the “third world”, but I will contact them anyway also to get some support for our project.

I was invited to a television show in Austria few years ago, what I denied, because we was in Florida that time, but I am looking forward to do a show in September, the time we go back for a short while to Austria. And if this show get on the air, it will bring a lot of advertising for PM and Grenada and hopefully, enough people to come for a holiday to PM.

Also your question to me: “What it will bring for PM?” If anyone have spend some time to read my draft and ideas in my HP, he should know that it will bring more to PM then what’s happen now, because PM have no attraction to tourist at all now! Of course I can read my different decks from “Tarot Cards” but still I am not a fortune teller, so I can not answer your question. But what I know for sure is, this idea will get his own dynamic in the future! Even after the story my wife wrote in “May Compass” on page 40. a lot of cruisers ask us when the project and the morning net will start?

We are from Austria and our country live 70% on tourist business for a long time and I was long enough in the PR business to know, what your PR agency does, surely is not at all professional! Because to show on a map for TOURISTS, Petite Martinique as a white spot, what means “an unexplored island” is an insult for Petite Martinique anyway. And to put even the ferry dock on a wrong position is sure a lack of knowledge for the PR business anyway! Also only showing diving sites around Carriacou is ridiculous, because even I know around PM laying quite a lot of reefs and diving sites, so what kind of people working on this map?

I am not an INVESTOR, because investors want usually some money back if they invest in a project. For us it will be enough to spend our life on PM and writing on my books and running the “Ankh-Refugium” in the “Spice Pyramid”. So this was our idea, because we have no children, after we are gone, all we build will be inherit to the family from whom we lease the property. We only want to live the rest of our life in PM, but we do not have to own a property!

I think in the last two years we spend more time to know what’s going on in PM and what is necessary then any politicians or members of the tourist board. I don’t know if it is true, but because I hear the rumour from an idea to build a Stadium in PM, seems like a joke to me, only that some people will make al lot of money by building the stadium, it will not bring much for PM anyway! So all the guest houses will have some guest only for the week for some games, but not in the rest from the year, like it is now. Even in Carriacou nearly every hotel is without guests. It is not off my business, so please excuse me, but a big cistern should be more important for PM, so the locals can grown there vegetables also out of the raining season, because I think nobody can afford to buy some water on the petrol station for 50 cents a gallon to watering the veggies. But like I said, this is not my business, and if someone have interest to go the old roman empire way “Bread and Games” it is alright with me, even I don’t understand it.

I know you told me in our meeting, I must follow the “normal” way like everyone does, but I like to go always other ways if it is possible, because our idea is fare away from normal, so maybe this could work out with a little help from the government side to get the permission to get our project with the Spice Pyramid through in a period of time, not like to wait for an answer from the tourist boards that never comes!

But in my opinion, if we build the Spice Pyramid, a lot off people from PM will have some jobs in this period of building, and later on in our Ankh-Refugium maybe as employees. And for sure, if we become an attraction for PM in the future, a lot of tourist will come to PM and so the whole island will have a benefit from our idea, and sure more then now and what was going on in the last 10 years.

So please take the time and read the following, ideas and draft (proposal) to get an imagine what our plans are:

In this part, Proposal, Ideas and future plans from HP following

So I am thinking, this could be a good plan and can work for PM very well, so I hope for some response from you soon, all the best yours truly

Dir. Erich Beyer

P.S.: Sorry for my terrible englisch! But I think you will understand it.

Letter to Tourist Minister and board:

Dear Hon. Peter David!

We have ideas and plans for attracting tourists to the island of Petite Martinique, but to explain it would take to long, so please have a look in my HP

It is our intention to build a "Spice Pyramid" at Petite Martinique. The building will be well-known in, partly due to its unusual architecture, and partly due to its value for the local tourism. We are planning to work with (and get help from) the Tourist Board, and from the University of Grenada - for selecting the right plants for our project.

If everything goes well, our Spice Pyramid project will be known by every tourist and traveller in a radius of several hundred nautical miles, and also by people from other parts of the world who are visiting our website ( We are also planning to build a series of small residences for long-term holiday makers eg retired or elderly people from the northern latitudes, who will be happy to spend several (winter) months in sunny PM.

During the last 2 years, we have already spent considerable amounts of money in order to find the right location for our Spice Pyramid project. We would like to move to PM permanently, as managing the project takes a lot of our time. We would also like to have an informal meeting with one of your representatives, so that we can introduce ourselves and give you some more information about the project. Thank you for all your effort and your time.

The DRAFT is also in english and explains some of our plans.

Yours sincerely

Erich Beyer, Director